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Have you been searching for Heart Sutra (般若波羅蜜多心經) video which you can play on your TV / iPad so that you can recite by following the text showing on TV/iPad? Here's a video of Heart Sutra (Mandarin recitation) which the whole Heart Sutra text is shown fully on the video. It's like a book of Heart Sutra opened in front of you. You just need to stand / sit, then focus your mind and recite it by watching it on the screen. It's very suitable for those who are starting to learn Heart Sutra.

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra - Mandarin Recitation

This is a great video for those who want to learn to recite Heart Sutra  or the full name called "Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra. You may find it very useful to learn because the text is highlighted as it is recited. So, it's very useful for beginners to learn this Heart Sutra. This is a Mandarin commonly used version, and mostly used in Daily Chanting in any temples.