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Guan Yin Pu Sa Ji (觀音菩薩偈 - The verse of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva)

This is a video of Chyi (齐豫 - Qi Yu) who sings "The verse of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva". She is one of the best singer who always sings great Buddhist songs. Her wonderful voice and the deep expression for the songs will always awaken us to understand Buddhism through music/song.

The verse of Avalokiteshvara (觀音菩薩偈) is one of my favorite Buddhist song. There's a lyric in the contents of the whole song which describes Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Guan Yin Pu Sa) will appear anywhere in respond to our prayers. Indeed, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is one of all Bodhisattvas who has deep affinity to the sentient beings of this Saha World (娑婆世界).

The name Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa (觀世音菩薩) means "The Bodhisattva who Listens to the Voice/Sound of the Worlds".

Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Fa Yuan Wen by Chyi/Qi Yu (觀世音菩薩發願文-齐豫)

This is a video on "The Great Vows of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and Maha Karuna Dharani (Great Compassion Mantra - 大悲咒)". It's sung by Chyi (Qi Yu - 齊豫). Qi Yu is a singer who also popular for singing Buddhist songs. In fact, when you type a Buddhist keyword in Mandarin, you may probably find a video of her singing Buddhist song. She has her style in singing Buddhist song, quite different from others.

This video consists of two parts with Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva's images. The first part is "The Great Vows of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (觀世音菩薩發願文), and the second part is Maha Karuna Dharani (大悲咒).

Verse of "Pu Men Pin" Complete Version 普門品頌 (pu men pin song)

The video below is a complete version of Verse of the "Universal Door of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva". In fact, I have ever posted earlier about it, but this time I'll provide you three complete versions. Click here for my earlier post about it.

Whenever and wherever you are, always keep Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva's Name in your mind, recite "Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa" and you'll be free from harm and danger. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva will always transform into different transformations in order to awaken and save all sentient beings.

Jane's Enlightenment of the Six Perfections 小真的六度波羅蜜[不分段完整版]

This is a cartoon about the life of a young girl called Jane (Xiao Zhen). Xiao Zhen lives with her grandmother, grandfather, her sister and a little dog called E.T. She is a rather shy girl who thinks that her grandmother dotes her younger sister more than herself. She is still a kind-hearted girl. She's quite talented in drawing.

In the story of Xiao Zhen, she met a Buddhist nun who gave her a book about Six Paramitas. In the book, she learnt about many stories that taught her the meaning of life and how to behave herself in difficult situations. Each story in the storybook related to a paramita. Paramita means Perfection. And that's why the title of this cartoon is called "Jane's Enlightenment of the Six Perfections".

A blog post on scene of Hell

When one is dead, his soul will usually go rebirth to the six realms according to his/her karma deed when still alive. The six realms are: hell, hungry ghost, animal, asura, human and deva (heavenly being) realms. That is what we call Six Realm of Rebirth. I recently found a website where it provides information about the six realms in Chinese text explanation and images. In fact, it's about the description of scenes of Hells. In the hells, there are many of sufferings for those evil-doers. Here's the website where you can read for detailed information.

Living in a World of Gratitude - 活在感恩的世界 - huo zai gan en de shi jie

What kind of world are you living in? In a world of misery? In a world of happiness? Perhaps, you should listen to this great song "Living in a World of Gratitude". The lyrics of this song come from Master Chin Kung's quotes. Master Chin Kung has ever written many lines of words about gratitude. He says that we should be always keeping a grateful mind. This song was widely distributed through the internet by Amitabha Buddhist Society of Singapore (which was the origin of this song). It has also been distributed in the form of free CDs. The song has no copyright, so you can share this nice Buddhist song with your friends.

Where can I download Mahayana Buddhist Sutras in English?

People who love to learn Buddhism are quite lucky nowadays. They can use the internet to help them get the information they need. There are online libraries with digital e-books. They can also watch teachings and sermons in video format whether online or offline through discs. Buddhist books are also distributed very widely and even for free (without any cost, through sponsored by those samaritans). There's a website called Buddhist E-library where you can download many Buddhist e-books in English. Living in this modern era, we should cherish all these materials because we are far luckier than those people in the former times because they had to travel a long distance, just to hear a Buddhist teaching/sermon.

Andy Lau sings Amitabha

You can find many Amitabha Buddha Recitation audio files easily on the internet. There are many for you to download. From the time where audio cassettes are popular until this internet era, Amitabha (Amituofo) Buddha Recitation has become a very common thing in Buddhism. If you are looking for this, just go to youtube and search for it by typing: 阿彌陀佛聖號 or 念佛 or Amitabha Buddha recitation.

While looking for this, I found a version sung/recited by Andy Lau (Liu De Hua 劉德華). In fact, I have known about Andy Lau's Amituofo recitation version long ago, but I've never found it online. This time, I found it unpurposely and would like to share with you. Have you ever heard Andy Lau sing "Namo Amituofo"? Click to download huazaikuailenianmituo.mp3 (華仔快樂念彌陀).

28 Free Buddhist Songs for Download

Are you looking for Buddhist songs for download? I just found a website where it provides free Buddhist songs for download. The website also provides links to download many Buddhist e-books and audio materials. Here's the link.
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