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Amitabha Buddha Recitation and Ten Great Vows of Samanthabhadra Bodhisattva

Master Meng Can explains the relationship between Amitabha Buddha Recitation and Ten Great Vows of Samanthabhadra Bodhisattva.

Master Hai Tao explains the verses in Chapter 12 of Ksitigarbha Sutra

Master Hong Yi who is a great Mahayana Buddhist Master, has ever stressed on the importance of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva role in daily practice. In this opportunity, Master Hai Tao will explain about this. This video tells you the benefits of seeing and hearing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and the Sutra. Every Mahayana Buddhist practitioners recite Ksitigarbha Sutra every day, or at least reciting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Name.

Master Hsuan Hua explains the benefits of reciting Shurangama Mantra

The following is a video about the benefits of reciting Shurangama Mantra (Leng Yan Zhou - 楞嚴咒). This mantra is very well-known mantra which has great benefits for those who recite it whether this life or next life. Master Hsuan Hua tells us that the Shurangama Mantra is the most powerful mantra in subduing celestial demons and hereties. Wherever and whenever people recite this mantra, no demons can  appear to harm people.

Amongs all Buddhist mantras, Shurangama Mantra is the longest one and thus there's a saying that "It takes half year to memorize this mantra even though you recite it every day. Shurangama Mantra can increase your wisdom, good roots, blessings and abilities.

Let's listen to Master Hsuan Hua's complete explanation on Shurangama Dharani.

Pure Lotus Sound Buddhist Music Collection

When I was searching for Buddhist music just now, I found that there's a Buddhist music collection album which you can download for free. This album was distributed by LifeTV of Master Haitao. The singer's name is Qiao An Wu (喬安舞). And the album is called "Pure Lotus Sound" (清淨蓮音). You probably know "Qiao An Wu" if you love Taiwanese Buddhist Music.

If you have ever searched through Youtube for "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva cartoon", you probably has ever watched the Buddhist music video called "Jian Wen Li Yi Pin" which is the verses on chapter 12 of Ksitigarbha Sutra. Below, I've embedded two music videos sung by Qiao An Wu in the her Buddhist music album. Click here to go to this Pure Lotus Sound complete music download page.